Information for the authors

Information for speakers, authors of publications and posters

A schedule for the speakers, participants in the poster session, authors of publications


Before June 16th  2019

- speakers' registration and abstracts' submission (up to 500 words)

Before June 30th, 2019

– the paper/poster subject approval

Before September 16th, 2019

- the article/a chapter for the monograph submission

November 20-21st, 2019

The date of the Conference

Before December 20th, 2019

- texts reviews: submission 

Before January 20th, 2020

- texts reviewed: submission

Before March 30th, 2020

- publication according to the  publisher’s schedule


Publications proposed by the decision of the Scientific Committee:

1. A chapter in the reviewed scientific monograph published by the Publishing House of the Warsaw University of Technology.

(level I of the publications of  the list of Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

2. A chapter in the reviewed scientific monograph published by an international publisher.

(level II of the publications of  the list of Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

3. Scientific article in the journal"Builder" publisher.

4. A scientific article in the journal "Engineering and Construction"

5. A scientific article in an international publisher journal.


Information and publishing guidelines will be provided at a later date, once the abstracts have been accepted.


Publication costs:

Separate fees for publications are foreseen . The fees will depend on the publisher and will include the discount for conference participants. The cost of one article published (developed according to editorial requirements) depends on the magazine


Information on publication costs will be provided at a later date.


Travel and accommodation costs:

Conference participants cover the travel, accommodation and publication costs at their own expense.

Information on the hotel addresses for accommodation with possible   discount rate  for conference participants will be provided at a later date.