
We've made efforts to switch the classes at the Faculty to remote mode. It is a large and complicated endavour, involving many people and resources. As of today, we are launching all classes online. I know that some of the classes have already started in a more or less formal way. I would like to express my gratitude to those who made this effort without waiting for the development of the situation.

  1. The starting point for the classes, which will provide basic information about the conditions of passing and how to conduct the process, is the Moodle website (www2.arch.pw.edu.pl)
  2. All of you will receive, by means of messages from the USOS system, access codes to courses corresponding to your classes (this does not apply to courses that have already been supported by Moodle).
  3. Lecturers will gradually complete the information mentioned above.
  4. The particular tools for conducting classes remain the responsibility of the teachers, however the Faculty recommends using the Moodle and Microsoft Teams functionality. In each case, however, the choice of how the classes will be conducted will be noted in the Moodle course so that this basic information is collected for you in one place.

I hope that with a joint effort we will be able to move teaching to a new path so that the difficult time of health crisis can be used in the most effective way possible. In the initial period of implementing new solutions, I ask for understanding, as we are all gradually adapting to the new situation and learning new ways of communicating and conducting classes.

Important information - new dates and way of submitting semester projects:

Due to the inability to organize exhibitions in the traditional form, this year's project submission will have two forms:

  • Presenting projects at a virtual exhibition (lower resolution jpg files) on the Moodle platform - to be seen by all students and employees
  • Uploading final charts in pdf format in project courses on the Moodle platform (using the "task" module).

Instructions for self-placement of designs at the exhibition can be found here: https://www2.arch.pw.edu.pl/course/view.php?id=762

An example gallery (catalog of the most interesting diplomas 2019) can be found here: https://www2.arch.pw.edu.pl/mod/mediagallery/view.php?id=13404

ATTENTION: for each work uploaded in pdf format treated as a final submission (i.e. for each project), in accordance with the Regulation No. 27/2020 Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, it is required to attach a scan of the completed and signed statement - a template can be found here: 

submission_form (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 12,29 kB)

In order to implement distance learning, both students and staff must first take the necessary steps.

1. All employees and students are asked to use the email address in the @ pw.edu.pl domain


In order to set up an account or recover the password to the PW e-mail account, contact with the faculty IT specialist, Mr. Konrad Puścian, is required.

Students received access to email in the pw.edu.pl domain along with an account in the USOS system. All information on the website: https://usosweb.usos.pw.edu.pl/kontroler.php?_action=actionx:news/default()

2. Access to Office 365

You will also need to settle access to the Office365 application (all employees and students have this license).

The following link is necessary information for installing Office 365 for students:


Employees who do not have access to these applications are asked to contact Mr Konrad Puścian.

3. Access to the Moodle e-learning platform

All course subjects will appear on the e-learning platform of the Faculty of Architecture based on the Moodle system. A list of subjects taught remotely will be announced by Friday, March 20. The Moodle platform is available at:


Employees and students who do not have an account on the platform are asked to register there themselves. To do this, click New account and complete the form.

NOTE: registration is only possible using the email address in the domain @ pw.edu.pl, in the absence of such - see point 1.

All (both employees and students) who currently have accounts are asked to change the email address assigned to the account to an address in the @ pw.edu.pl domain

4. Access to the Teams e-learning platform

All employees and students of Warsaw University of Technology have an Office365 license, including Microsoft Teams group work and e-learning platforms. We recommend using it as a support for Moodle in terms of conducting classes with synchronous student participation - online meetings or lectures. However, we leave it to the decision makers what tools they want to use.

To start working with Microsoft Teams, log in to www.office.com using your pw.edu.pl domain address as your username and password.

In the view of available applications, click the Teams icon:

Teams will launch in your browser. We recommend downloading the stand-alone application and installing it on your computer. This can be done by clicking on the icon in the lower left corner of the browser window or by using the menu in the upper right corner:

In order to familiarize yourself with the operation of the application and its functions, we recommend watching the training materials available on the following pages:


Information on the selected method of conducting classes will be provided by the teachers; you will also find them in the appropriate course on the Moodle platform.
The access key for Moodle courses corresponding to individual classes will be sent to you by USOS by Monday, March 23.

Information on remote language teaching by the Foreign Language Center can be found on the SJO WEBSITE